Who has a target on their head????

I am coming after you guys. Slap in the face by the good Doctor, Whitey, Potentate Wade, Brinkley, and Fuquay (I will see you in two weeks).

Hook 'em dont Slice 'em,

Vitty, aka C-Murda


  1. Kelley said...

    Is that really a picture from "Daredevil"?

    Did you just do that?  

  2. Stewart said...

    Brees. Dang.  

  3. Whitey said...

    much like your namesake, your team is overrated. you'll be lucky to score 65 this week.  

  4. Strictly Fantasy said...

    i swear you freakin aggies, let it go.

    Vince Young is a freakishly talented QB. He is no longer at Texas. He is in the NFL.

    Its like, I dont look at Reggie McNeal as an aggie anymore, I look at him as an unemployed bum who was cut by the Bengals.

    Anyway, yea brees was awful. At least duece and 4th round pick vinatieri did very little.  


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