Welcome Back

Welcome to the new (and improved) Pounding Blog. I've been bored out of my mind in the world of sports lately (I can't even bring myself to watch an entire Lakers/Spurs game) that I decided it was high time we began the next great debate. We have some major decision-making to do, and we should get down to business.

Here is a summary of the topics we'll be debating:

I've already gotten one application requesting to join the Pounders, and I know we have some disgruntled owners that would like to make some ownership changes.

The Pot
Should we increase the pot? If so, by how much?

There were major rumblings this year about changing the division setup to 4. Some want to rid the league of all divisions whatsoever.

Last year, we added the OP spot, where smart owners put a 2nd QB (see: Herrington's draft). We need to vote on whether to keep or remove that, as well as other roster changes.

Authors & Articles
We had about 5 people writing articles for the league last year. While it was intended to increase user participation, it actually had the opposite effect. The Sultan's calculations have informed me that user participation declined by 30% from 06 to 07. We'll vote to see if we should return to the Preview/Recap only system.

Scoring System
I was called out this year for decreasing the interception penalty from -2 to -1 points, so we can vote on that and other scoring changes.

Trade Review Process
This was the first year we saw multiple trades pushed through by none other than myself. We need to decide what an acceptable trade review period should be, and if we should allow trades getting pushed through again.

Waiver Wire Order
Jeff White will explain/complain, but there is apparently a much better way to decide the waiver wire order. It forces you to take a more calculated approach to working the wire each week.

Keeper League
Should we institute a keeper system this year? Just throwing the idea out there.

Some people had issues with how the tiebreakers worked.

That's not the exact order we'll go in, but I would say that's a pretty good list that should take us a fair amount of time.

I think that's all I got right now. We'll begin shortly. And if you don't remember how to post onto this site, or don't have access, let me know.

- Potentate Wade


  1. Whitey said...

    poppycock! i welcome a waiver wire reformation. last year's settings were a significant player in my 2nd half demise. that and wes welker. DAMN YOU WELKER!  

  2. Stewart said...

    I believe you left out the part about my powerful peer pressure abilities. Welker is, was, and will forever be a piece of fantasy garbage.  

  3. Hildee said...

    Yeah, waiver wire order was very frustrating last year. Would like to see some options for it this year so we can head into the season with a better system in place.  

  4. the sultan said...

    I'm excited just thinking about the return of fantasy football. Very excited (especially now that the NBA playoffs are down to a bunch of teams I don't like, and my interest in following baseball is at an all-time low).

    Let the debates begin!  

  5. John Herrington said...

    ahhh boys...looking forward to whipping y'all (sans Bum) again this year.

    My thoughts:
    Members - who's submitted applications?
    Pot - never tried it. Oh wait, $50 seemed alright to me, but I do think that the last place dude should have to pay double or something. Then no one will ever give up.
    Divisions - I like one big division, not sure why but it makes rankings easier.
    Rosters - I could go either way on the OP. Seems like we REALLY had some strategery at play last year b/c of it and trash QBs.
    Authors & Articles - I'm all for less articles if that will increase participation. Plus, keeping up with that press schedule is insane.
    Scoring System - interceptions should be -2. No discussion needed.
    Trade Review - I think this goes back to participation. If people responded reasonably quickly then there wouldn't be issues. What about a non-vote means "Yes"?
    Waiver Wire - I'd like to hear Whitey's thoughts.
    Keeper League - I'm up for it.
    Tiebreakers - seemed like last year was fair, unless I'm forgetting something.  


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