Elitist Liberal Media

I for one dont trust the media anymore, except the extremely unbiased Fox News, so I have to vent this Saturday afternoon and give my State of the Union on Duff You Scorpion Pants. Last Pounding season I stormed into the leauge with agressiveness, active participation and a playoff birth that resulted in a respectable 3rd place finish even while participating in the trade of the year with my brother-in-law. Yes, it was my downfall and the championship could have been mine, but that is neither here nor there.

Before this season, I felt I had gained the respect of the Fantasy Gods and the great Potentate and I would be a part of the good ol' boy network. With my tantalizing tells in the Cougar Den last year, I was promised an AP vote this season, but was not rewarded a vote and my column was stripped from my limp wrist...uh I mean liger talons. My reccomendations on the phantom home field advatange point have been ignored and never put to a vote My team name has been discredited and voted against and my team has been discounted has unorthodox. I've learned in the past few months, that if you're not a member in good standing of the Pounding elite, then some in the media consider a pounder unqualified for that reason alone. I am somewhat of a Maverick willing to challenge the authority of the Fantasy Gods and the great Potentate and unwilling to go along with the status quo.

Whether there was some shady dealing going on with Whitey and the great Potentate before the draft did not shake my confidence in the draft. The media is discounting one of the most consistent fantasy quarterbacks of our era not to mention his outstanding real record. Does eleven seasons not count for something? Does anyone in the media ever consider the facts and the history of a man? This is an unusual year in which everything in the status quo will be challenged. Rookie RB's traditionally dont do very well starting out the gate and the reason is because there is traditionally an incumbent starter. This year, there are no incumbent starters in Detroit, Chicago, Carolina, Oakland and Houston. It is a different era and I am an "agent of change." Talent + Situation + Opportunity = Fantasy Value (production) This year unlike last year running backs were falling all over the place to season ending injuries. It was imperative to have depth. This year the injuries are occuring on defense and at WR. I dont need the elitist media telling me how to manage my '08 campaign, I dont need to take a downgrade at WR to upgrade RB. I dont need to do anything that you in the media expect as being status quo.

Don't ever count a Maverick out.

"How do you go from where you are to where you want to be? I think you have to have an enthusiasm for life. You have to have a dream, a goal, and you have to be willing to work for it."..."Don't give up, don't ever give up."

-Jim Valvano



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