Pony Up!

I don't know how familiar you all are with the TERRIBLE new SMU Football ad campaign that's all over town now...but here are a few of the billboards. See in the bottom right...there's the mustang and an up arrow. They're theme this year is "Pony Up".

Clever, huh? People hate/resent the Richards group for things like this and the gone-on-far-too-long Chik-fil-a Cows.

Anyways, now that you're familiar with these billboards and know a little about SMU football, they're really good QB Justin Willis from Denton Ryan, and whatnot...bask in the greatness that is this video from two SMU students who had far too much time on their hands and an internet connection and a guitar.



  1. Stewart said...

    1. That video is greatness.

    2. While I agree with you that the ads aren't the best, it got your attention didn't it? And now 12 more people have thought about SMU football because of it.

    3. Please don't hold 600 people at the Richards Group (my former home and herry's current home) accountable for the prolonged existence of the cows. Why don't you write an email to McDonald's and ask them to remove Ronald McDonald while you're at it.  

  2. John Herrington said...

    That song is actually kind of catchy.

    As far as the cows, it's hard to mess with what works...the campaign is in the advertising hall of fame. Not that I'm saying that's cool or anything, it's just clients like things that make them money.  

  3. Kelley said...

    Herrington - Chick-Fil-A's chicken sandwiches (no pickles) and waffle fries make them money. The cows actually make me think of going to Wendy's. They were cool for a year or so...now lets move on.

    Wade - The ads got my attention. But the one that says "we don't tailgate, we boulevard" is:

    2-Accelerates stereotypes of SMU students
    3-Makes no sense  

  4. Strictly Fantasy said...

    By the way ponies sucked today  


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