When Worth Quits

After watching the draft lottery, my esteemed co-worker, JP Holt, has asked me to go on the record with his official call for dibs on Worth's spot when he inevitably quits a month into the season. He has already begun preparations for next year's draft.


  1. Whitey said...

    i am pro-john-paul-holt. not that i'm anti-sterling but, in the end, we are judged on our performance. sterling's argument begins and ends with his yet-to-be-determined team name. very unimpressive to-date. i suggest the potentate takes swift and decisive action to nip this in the bud to avoid a real bye week for whomever plays worth every week.

    however, i also think if jp is brought into the league, he should trade draft position with me.  

  2. The Boy Scout said...

    JP is just going to have to wait boys. Sorry I haven't contributed to your little bulletin board conversation... I was busy putting in my time for the greatest Fantasy Team to grace this league!

    See ya on field Nancy...  


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