
As the NBA Finals tips off, I can't help but wonder...should we keep the Offensive Player spot in 2008? I also can't help but wonder why the Larry O'Brien trophy always has to be stamped so hideously large in the middle of the court.

So anyways, there were 2 major roster adjustments last year - the addition of the OP and the removal of a flex position (RB/WR). Instead, we had 2 RBs and 2 WRs. The only other roster talk I heard was the possibility of removing the Defensive Player position. That was mainly the week following a 6-sack game by Osi.

The way I see it, we should either keep it the same as last year or go back to our previous lineup.

QB, 2 RB, Flex (RB/WR), 2 WR, TE, DP, D/ST, K

QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, OP, TE, DP, D/ST, K

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Opening Argument
I actually haven't made my mind up yet. I think I'm leaning towards reverting back to a more traditional setup where the RBs play a bigger role, but I'm open to being convinced otherwise.

If you have another roster setup that you wanna suggest, feel free to post it in the Comments section.


  1. the sultan said...

    My initial instinct was to keep the OP and drop the flex because I thought the depth at QB would be better than the kind of guys that would be in the starting lineup at the flex. But after looking at last year's stats, I think it's just the opposite. So I suggest going back to the flex lineup we had 2 years ago.  

  2. Stewart said...

    Yeah, the dropoff at the QB position is much more drastic after about the Top 8 than any other position, which really doesn't provide for any depth whatsoever. That's what led to the shenanigans in the first and second round of last year's draft. I have a feeling at least 10 QBs would be taken in the first 2 rounds if we kept the OP position. But maybe that's a good thing and makes the draft more interesting...

    Still leaning, yet undecided.  

  3. John Herrington said...

    Just a correction...
    QB, 1 RB, Flex(RB/WR), 2 WR, OP, TE, DP, D/ST, K

    I remember this is how we had it b/c I always had LT as my RB each week and then I had to decide on going three WRs or someone like Brandon Jacobs/Thomas Jones as my flex.

    Either way, I think the OP adds a TON of strategery BUT it also just has everyone picking up any QB that has a pulse. I think 2006 is the way to go b/c then you have a traditional draft and you have to go with depth instead of just any QB you can find.  

  4. Strictly Fantasy said...

    I vote to have the following the same as last year but limit the amount of qbs you can have on your roster at a time.  


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