A Brief History

Pounding '07 is a premier ESPN Fantasy Football league created by league owner Stewart Wade. It had humble beginnings, attracting a mere 10 members at its inception in 2006 under former name Pounding '06. Starting out as any normal league would, user interactivity was at a moderate level at best; however, Week 3 brought about a significant change. Ryan Ellis, senior writer and fellow Pounder, revolutionized fantasy football as we knew it. A recap of each week's action began appearing in the league's message board, and soon took center stage on the League Manager's Note section. Soon after, Wade added his first weekly preview, which was heralded throughout the members as "brilliant" and "mind blowing". As the league progressed in its first season, member interactivity grew at an exponential rate. Wade could hardly keep up with the growth and recruited two more Pounders, Neill "Sultan" Fuquay and John "Pickle Matrix" Herrington, to assist behind the scenes. Together, these four league members make up what has become known as the "Inner Circle".

Membership has become something of a status symbol, drawing in old friends and new acquaintances. After one member, Mike Woodfin, was unanimously discarded for violating the worst of all offenses, fantasy indifference, Wade began taking applications for the 2007 season. The league was expanded to 12 members, leaving 3 empty spots that needed filling. By the time the news hit the wire, Wade had already received recommendations and applications for five hopeful candidates.

Two applicants have already been accepted, Jeff White of Dallas and Sterling Worth of Southern Oklahoma/North Frisco. The final spot will be revealed in due time on this very site.

Pounding '06 Members:

1. Stewart Wade :: LA Wadebox - Known among league members as "Potentate", Wade grew Pounding 06 from the ground up using sheer brilliance, creativity, and a little help from Ron Burgundy. He was eliminated in the first round of the playoffs with an underwhelming Eli Manning at the helm.

2. Ryan Ellis :: The Bye Weeks - "Bum" Ellis was the original champion in 2005, when his Speedway Bums routed everyone he faced with then unknown Larry Johnson. His Bye Weeks weren't quite as successful as their predecessors, finishing 2nd in the Consolation Bracket. Ellis also is responsible for birthing the weekly recaps, which have grown into a cult favorite among league members.

3. Neill Fuquay :: Dorothy Manteeth - Neill, or as most know him, The Sultan, was an early underdog in 2006, having not received any votes for "Early Favorite" at the initial vote. That did not deter him, however, as his Dorothy Manteeth ripped through the playoffs and came out as the winner of the 2006 Pleasuretown National Championship and collected $120 for his victory. They also enjoyed baths. All male baths.

4. John Herrington :: Dallas Shake 'n Bake - Herrington had a way about him. A nerdy way. And that earned him the coveted "Pickle Matrix Nerd Award" a record 3 times in 2006. His out-of-this-world quotes made him infamous among league members and his Shake 'n Bake were known for their up-and-down play. They finished 4th after an embarrassing 50-point defeat at the hands of The Avenging Frank Gores.

5. Matthew Kelley :: New Orleans Aint's - Kelley, known for his incoherent yet polarizing commentary, had a roller coaster of a season. Falling victim to the Madden Curse, his team was reeling from the loss of Shaun Alexander. He earned the nickname Donovan McKelley by winning the 1-Man Team Award an unprecedented 4 times in the first 5 weeks. Somehow they came out clean on the other side, advancing to the championship game, where they met and succumbed to the unstoppable force that was The Dorothy Manteeth.

6. Ryan Culbertson :: The Avenging Frank Gores - To fully grasp the impact of Culbertson on the league, you have to take a long glance back at draft day. After losing his coveted Gore, Culbertson went on an vengeful tear through the regular season, masquerading as Satan himself. Unfortunately for him (and the Mavericks), the regular season really means nothing, as he was the second victim of the Manteeth's wrath. Culbertson has finished 2nd and 3rd in the 2 seasons with the Pounders, so he is clearly a threat in the future. Either that, or he's Fantasy's equivalent to the 90's Buffalo Bills.

7. Jeff Hildebrand :: Nashville Rock Fu - Hildebrand was one of those silent, and often un-deadly, foes in the 2006 season; however, his Rock Fu did post the highest one-game total that may never be surpassed: 171 points in Week 14. Unfortunately, they posted it in the 1st round of the meaningless Consolation Bracket. Sadly, Hildebrand, will probably be known best for his attempt to underhandedly screw the league and post the most REEdiculous trade the world has seen -- Maurice Jones-Drew, TO, Bears D/ST, and Josh Scobee to The Smoke and Brew for Jamal Lewis, Laverneous Coles, Steelers D/ST, and Dave Raynor. The trade was vetoed before it even had a chance and league members were calling for the expulsion of Hildebrand and possibly Brinkley (his roommate, creating an even shadier situation) for even entertaining the trade. Hildebrand issued a formal apology and all has been forgiven. But not forgotten. Strike one Mr. Hildebrand.

8. Jeff Brinkley :: Nashville Smoke and Brew - If anyone learned a lesson the hard way, it has to be the Smoke and Brew's Jeff Brinkley. Unconfirmed sources have told me that Brinkley currently holds the record for number of Defense Players taken in a fantasy football draft: Four. Other players available during his run on IDP's: Vernon Davis, LJ Smith, Jeff Wilkins, Ravens D/ST, and Kellen Winslow. Brinkley also fell victim to the league's toughest schedule, starting the season 0-4 despite being favored in every game. Nashville had a down year and will be nerding it up in preparation for next year's draft, where he looks to take at least 6 IDP's.

9. Dr. Paul Wade :: Purdue Avenue Allstars - The underdog of the year, the Allstars were never seen as a threat, but made some waves late in the season. Having the unfortunate honor of drafting LaMont Jordan, the Allstars relied heavily on Waivers for the entirety of their season. They will most likely be known for the upset of the century, ending Satan's 11-game winning streak. All bones have healed and he will be ready for next season.

10. Mike Woodfin :: Sucky McSuckertons, My Dog Stanley, Want Roy Williams - Woodfin was quite the storyline, or lack of storyline, in 2006. His favorite player "Empty Slot" made several appearances during the season, but never actually earned him any points. Maybe next season. Oh that's right, he's gone. Learn from his example younglings -- fantasy indifference is an offense that shant be taken lightly.


  1. the sultan said...

    Your attention to detail continues to impress, Wade. I hadn't clicked on the various links in the "Brief History" post until Ellis just pointed out that many of them are actually embedded jokes. Well played, indeed.

    And how did you manage to find that picture of Ellis from the Legal Research Board? We put together a few quick Google searches we thought you might try and didn't come up with that site.  

  2. Potentate Wade said...

    Oh young Sultan, how you have not mastered the art of the Google search is beyond me. Simple quotation marks are the key to your quest...

    ...and my favorite link is that of the inner circle. Maybe the Potentate shriner. Can't decide.  


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