
You continue to raise the bar. The blog is an excellent outlet for your nerdery. As Triumph the Angry Dog would say, "you are a huge nerd"--though we certainly appreciate your nerdery.

Unfortunately, you and Herrington are once again implicated in yet more shenanigans. The P6 archive (awesome, by the way), has awarded Herrington the Pleasure Town Championship Trophy. Of course, I hate Fuquay as much as the next guy, but he did win the championship--even if it was by blind luck. If the archive awarded anyone else in the league the P6 Championship, I would simply dismiss it as a typo; however, we all know that Herrington holds the key to Young Wade's heart, and I fear that Wade has tried to rewrite history for the Desert Fox. As Louis Brandeis once said, "sunlight is the best disinfectant." Hopefully this league will keep a watchful eye on the Herrington-Wade duo and prevent other ill-conceived plans for revising history.

Fightin' for truth and justice,
The Mighty Fightin' Bye Weeks


  1. Potentate Wade said...

    1. I cannot believe that I made such a drastic error in judgement.

    2. The homepage clearly has The Sultan sitting in front of HIS championship trophy. Sure, it's in a picture frame, but it's there.

    3. If you think that Herrington is really the man behind the curtain, you are gravely mistaken. I refuse to allow anyone to accuse me of being a puppet.

    4. Brandeis also said "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding." Think about it.

    5. There is no 5 you daft wanker.  

  2. Anonymous said...

    Good...good... (rubbing hands together)  

  3. thacktor said...

    Triumph is not the "angry dog". That, my friend, is a bar in Deep Ellum. Triumph is known as the insult comic dog, sir. You bring your pop culture A-game or you go the hell home!

    i love you...

    call me?  

  4. Potentate Wade said...

    Who the crap is Thacktor? Could it be that Pounding '07 has the power to draw in unassociated bystanders? Not surprising I suppose...  

  5. Kelley said...

    If we want a blog that's read, I'm spreading the word around about it. Thacktor is either the greatest villian on the Earthworm Jim Video Game, or just my old roommate Wes.  

  6. Bum Ellis said...

    Wow. I have now been called out twice for misidentifying Triumph--once electronically and once involving face-to-face verbal sparring and minimal sword play. I apologize for having been too lazy to correct it in the first place. Consider that lesson learned the hard way.  


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