Election '08

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  1. Potentate Wade said...

    I'm eager to see where the political divide falls amongst the Pounders. My guess is that we lean to the right, but there will be some serious lefties out there.  

  2. Kelley said...

    Some of us may lean slightly right, but are more than made up for by people who swing to the left...people who might join the group of protestors outside my parking garage this morning that were "anti-exxon" and protesting the shareholder meeting today at the Meyerson. I smiled as I drove my SUV by them...  

  3. the sultan said...

    This should be interesting... although the front runners (Clinton and Giuliani) are both pretty centrist, so the left/right divide probably won't be as wide as in the past couple of elections.  

  4. Potentate Wade said...

    I'm just tired of the white man holding the black man down. It's time for a change people, and his name sounds strangely similar to both Iraq AND Osama.  

  5. Potentate Wade said...

    Surprise #1: Hillary Clinton has officially received a vote. I'm hoping this is Vittetoe playing some horridly distasteful joke.  

  6. the sultan said...

    Actually, Wade, that would be me. The way I see it, she and McCain are clearly the most qualified candidates in terms of political experience at the national level, and McCain isn't exactly the appealing candidate he used to be in the Straight Talk Express days now that he's pandering ridiculously to the conservative base in the hopes of getting the nomination. Not to mention he's 70 years old and would be assuming probably the most stressful, taxing job in the world and could kick it at any time. Barack can cool his heels for the time being, get some more experience as a senator or even as the Vice President, then make a run in another 4 or 8 years. Meanwhile, Hillary is smart as shit and has better command of policy issues than any of the other candidates, has experience in both the legislative branch (senator) and in the executive (very active first lady), and she and Bill would do a lot to restore our damaged relationship with the rest of the world (everyone outside the United States worships Slick Willy).

    Let the firestorm begin...  

  7. the sultan said...

    By the way, my attempts to create a controversy on this blog have nothing to do with my intense desire to avoid studying for the bar. Nothing at all. How dare you think that.  

  8. Potentate Wade said...

    I had a feeling it was the Sultan. Only someone who can't keep their eyes open for more than 10 minutes at a time would fail to see Hillary's inadquecies. First of all, let's not bring age into this equation - Reagan was 69 when he was elected and was still servin' it up at 77. I'm actually not in love with anyone yet, as the only moderate candidate seems to be Giuliani, who I am not sold on. I actually wish he was running as an independent. I have a feeling the country won't be electing someone as polarizing as Hillary, but are most likely looking for someone who can bridge the gap between the parties better than the current president can. I do think she'll most likely destroy most in a presidential debate (who would have liked to see Bush go up against her - she might have scratched his eyes out after his third made-up word), so if she does in fact get the Democratic nomination, I think that could put her over the top, unless she comes off as too extremist, which is also very likely.

    Honestly I just don't see her swaying any conservative voters to her side, which will probably be the deciding factor. I think the best chance she has at getting elected is if the Republicans nominate someone too conservative.

    Besides, she's a woman! Women can't lead!

    Except Condi. She's the perfect storm of anyone's political nightmare.

    What say you?  

  9. Potentate Wade said...

    Fuquay, there are entirely too many pictures of you on these comment forms. I will be changing mine to my new haircut fairly soon. Yes, that's right, I cut it all off a couple weeks ago. Stay tuned...  

  10. Kelley said...

    If the democrats throw Hillary out as their candidate, as a fiscal conservative I will rejoice. Folks, she's unelectable. More people have made up their mind about her (for good or bad) presently than any other candidate.

    And, do we really want another Clinton/Bush in office? Isn't it time to get some new blood in there and see what can be done about restoring our reputation abroad whilst maintaining the economic conditions we currently have within our borders?  

  11. the sultan said...

    I agree that Hillary would be a risky candidate to throw out there because she's so polarizing and turns so many people off. If any Democrat can lose this election, it's Hillary. However, I would disagree that she's unelectable because she wouldn't bring any Republicans to her side. She doesn't need any Republicans! All she needs to do is maintain the states that Kerry won and pick up one other swing state (Ohio, Florida,...) The sea of independents turned off by the last 8 years should be more than enough to win this election for the Democrats. I could see the Democrats putting up Obama because he's less likely to turn people off and would therefore be a safer pick, but I really think this is the Democrats' election to lose.

    Also, as a fiscal conservative, Hillary has to be the candidate of choice on the Democratic side because she believes in letting free markets work while helping the losers at the same time. I'm not sure how pro-free markets Obama is, but imagine having Edwards running amok wanting government to intervene all over the place. Hillary's a pragmatist, and freer markets with less government regulation have clearly proven they are the way to go, which she realizes.  


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