Dirk & Kobe ... Kobe & Dirk

So as I was reading the Sports Guy's latest article, I couldn't help but get mildly excited, and slightly frightened, about the prospect of Kobe and Dirk playing together. But I do have a few questions.

Who's team would it be? Is Dirk involved in front office business, and if so, would he even allow this trade to happen? Would Dirk want to win a championship where he played second fiddle to a previous 3-time NBA champion? Doesn't he wanna get the monkey off his back on his own? Would Cuban be willing to break up the Mavs' future by getting rid of Josh Howard and Jason Terry for a chance to win a championship now with Kobe? Would Mitch Kupchak be dumb enough to trade Kobe to another Western team? And as Bill pointed out, "would Cuban ever admit that Dirk was irrevocably damaged by the 2006 Finals and the Warriors-Mavs series, to the degree that he needed to acquire another crunch-time guy?"

After asking myself all these questions, I have only one more:

Will Kobe be playing in Dallas? No. Possible. Way.


Side Note #1: Check out that Lakers/Suns trade he outlined. Reeeeediculous.

Side Note #2: Has anyone else listened to Bill Simmons' podcast? Hearing him talk for the first time was...interesting. And by interesting, I mean that it simply doesn't work and that he should stick to writing, much in the same way that most radio hosts are on radio for a reason.


  1. Kelley said...

    I highly, highly doubt LA is stupid enough to send the Mamba to a team in their own conference. That's 3 to 4 vengence games a year...  

  2. Potentate Wade said...

    I have a feeling David Stern would enjoy that...  

  3. the sultan said...

    1) Simmons's radio voice is awful, just awful. I enjoy listening to him hold forth on the NBA, but his nasal voice is incredibly painful.

    2) Wade, I think another poll is in order: If you were a Mavs fan, would you trade Howard, Terry, and Stackhouse for Kobe?  

  4. Potentate Wade said...

    I'm way ahead of you my friend...

    ...and what I mean by that is that I'm going to do exactly what you said.  

  5. the sultan said...

    Good call  

  6. Whitey said...

    to address all your points:
    a. it would be kobe's team. and, if he's here, it should be kobe's team.

    b. dirk is not involved in the front office but if he were, of course he would allow this to happen. he's not an alphadog. he's not a vocal leader.

    c. the key is "win a championship." he is not comfortable with being the first fiddle anyways so this way he gets to go back to his comfort zone of being "1B" and win a championship.

    d. the future of the mavs is not in terry (he's 30, not a true point and a small 2 plus a superstreaky shooter). howard is great, kobe is better. plus the future of the mavs would then be with dirk (29) and kobe (29). that would give them atleast three or four good years in their prime.

    e. no, kupchak certainly can't be that stupid. but then again, there was the "trade shaq for lamar oden's upside, brian grant's bad knees and a coupon at golden corral...so i'm sayin' there's a chance

    f. cuban wants to win...period. trust me, i know the guy. we sat in cubicles just feet apart from one another. and dirk has proven he can be taken out of games just as easily as he can take them over. they need a crunchtime guy.

    all that said, i hate kobe. hope he doesn't come to dallas and see no possible way of it ever happening.  


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