Issue #1: Vote

Issue #1: Draft Order

So we're going to have a few things to settle over the next week or two, and being the democracy that is Pounding '07, I will be putting everything to a vote. The day before said vote, I will lay out the options and let those who want to make an argument do so. Then I will simply post the poll and take the winner after a couple days. If there is a tie, the P7 Inner Circle will consult and come to a reasonable decision. Okay, so here goes...Issue #1.

Side Note: Gillean just referred to me as the "League Commissioner of Nerds", much in the same way The Sports Guy's wife refers to his as the "League of Dorks". It's a proud moment in the Wade household.

So I think this has been the hot topic (if there was one) throughout the offseason. How will we determine the draft order? Do we go in reverse like the NFL? Do we wipe the slate clean and give everyone a fair shake? What do we do about the 3 expansion teams? Should they get a shot at the #1 pick?

All good questions.

I have a few answers. First, I have decided that the draft will be determined much in the same way the NBA draft is determined: a lottery. A select few are aware of how this lottery will be performed, but that is yet to be revealed and is not the issue we are dealing with tonight.

The issue tonight comes with 2 questions:

1. Should the lottery be weighted (as the NBA does it)?
2. Should the 3 expansion teams be included in the lottery?

That is what we are here to answer. I have devised 5 possible solutions to this problem, which I have listed in no particular order.

The slate is wiped clean. All teams (INCLUDING the expansion teams) have an equal chance at the #1 pick. For example, if we were using ping pong balls, then everyone has 1 ball in the pool from the beginning.

OPTION #2. The slate is wiped clean for everyone EXCEPT the expansion teams. There are 2 lotteries - the first with 9 balls (last year's remaining P6 league members) to determine picks 1-9 and then a 3-ball lottery with the expansion teams to decide picks 10-12.

Same deal as #1, but with a twist. Everyone gets 1 ball, but the 3 expansion teams are not added to the pool until AFTER the #1 pick is decided. Then everyone would be eligible for picks 2-12.

The lottery is weighted in reverse order of the final standings from last year. Fuquay would have the least amount of ping pong balls and whoever finished in 9th place (Woodfin was 10th) would get the most balls, giving them the best chance for a high pick. There are really only 2 options for the expansion teams in this scenario. First, they are relegated to the back-end BEHIND fuquay, so for example, if Fuquay got 4 balls in the pool, the expansion teams would each get 2 or something.

Or secondly, the expansion teams wouldn't be involved and would have a 3-ball lottery after picks 1-9 were decided, as in option #2.

So those are the five options we have to choose from. I will make my case for the one I think we should go with in the comments section, and I hope you will do the same. If you have a separate scenario that you think works better than these five, let it be known. I will put the poll up tomorrow after everyone has had a chance to express their opinion.

It has Begun

Mr. White,

I tend to have a flare for the dramatic. But honestly, I have neither the time nor the inspiration for such things. The fantasy football season is among us boys, and those of us who want to get a jump start must do so quickly. Therefore, in my haste, I shall disperse with the vital information.

White, you're in.

Vittetoe, you're in.

Worth, you're out. Okay fine, you're in.

I will start the league within this week and we will begin taking polls to decide the rules, roster, etc. I won't require a majority to pass a motion, so if you don't vote, you won't be heard. That's all for now from your dictator-esque Potentate.


Potentate Wade

so when, oh mightiest of the mighty potentates, are we going to get the official invites for the new season? not to tell the potentate how to do his job, but me thinks he had best hurry and get it set up so we can secure an online draft date and time other than 2:00AM on the Tuesday night four weeks before the season starts.

i speak from experience and i only ask because i care.

Player Projections

My favorite, so far:

Jake Delhomme-
Generally speaking, a successful QB is efficient or gifted or some combination of the two. Delhomme is none of these things.

New Rules 07

Not sure if we'll follow these to a T, but here are the rule changes:
In addition, the ESPN did a nice face-life to the fantasy homepage:

Purple and Brown

I thought we'd take a slight detour from "higher thinking" and enjoy two of the greatest characters ever conceived. I give you Purple and Brown.

Hard to Argue

No matter what side you are currently on, this guy makes a compelling argument.

You can literally spend a day on here:


Its almost as funny as this:

President Japan

Click on the image to see a larger version. Brilliant.


So it was a normal bloody normal day at the office. A meeting here, conference call there, checked my email for the 40th time, when all of a sudden an inter-office email appears like a bullet out of the blue sky. Being the socially conscious group that I know you all are, I'm sure you have heard of the (RED) campaign. It seems that Tribal DDB has won all of their creative work, including, which I (you heard me right) will be helping with. So the question you should be asking yourselves is who then will the creative be presented to? Someone said his name, but I'm not sure I remember. Bosco? Brana? Oh that's right, Bono. And I quote straight from U2's horse's mouth:

"So what do you think of Tribal DDB? I like them and am thinking of hiring them…"
Oh he hired them. And me along with 'em. So even though Sterling probably still can't read these blogs yet, as he would be the most jealous of you all, I'm sure you can appreciate the utter awesomeness of the scenario.

I leave on Monday for Dublin where I will meet with or without the entire band and select Irish diplomats. And I promise you this - while we are at the Discotheque, I will find out what lies beneath The Edge's beanie.


UPDATE: I have been informed that I will not be going, nor will I be allowed to speak, consult with, or even mention said rock star's name ever again while in this office. But in a little while I'll try and at least touch someone who talks with him and then take a picture of my hand.

Just as good.

Sack Saved the Beach

I'm sure most of you have seen the Philips Bodygroom site (if you haven't, you are in for true greatness), but our New York office just updated it with one of the funniest videos I've seen in a while. So click here and, once it loads, click "See how Bodygroom saved the beach" in the bottom right-hand corner.

You're welcome.

God Speaks.

Please Explain

The Humble Anteater

I feel as though the Anteater, whilst humble, should be celebrated today. Here are some of my favorite anteater links:

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1. Almost as inspiring as Sul Ross.
2. Peter, my favorite anteater
3. Now this is fantastic editing.
4. Simple, yet intriguing.
5. Such a proud history.
6. A happy Anteater.
7. And finally, my favorite Anteater link of all.

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An excerpt from link #5:

The anteater was chosen in 1965 when students were allowed to submit mascot candidates, which would be voted on in a campus election. An undergraduate named Schuyler Hadley Basset III is credited with choosing the anteater and designing a cartoon representation, having been disappointed with other mascots such as a roadrunner, unicorn, and golden bison.


This is just a link from a Sports Guy column, but I thought it was funny enough to merit bringing it to everyone's attention in case they missed it

I was just killing some time on Facebook today, and I came across this picture of esteemed League Commissioner Potentate Wade. Needless to say, I was surprised to see that our glorious leader appears to actually be a senior in high school. To think, he had us all fooled.

Perhaps Henry Melton should've learned that there's no need to do this when you can just take the E-Bus home from 6th street like we always did. He'll probably avoid any sort of prosecution, because he was a 4-star RB recruit who really proved his worth to the Longhorns when he tried to run past Army-veteran Mark Dodge on a crucial 4th and 1 last year in the 1st quarter. We all know what happened then...


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