The Humble Anteater

I feel as though the Anteater, whilst humble, should be celebrated today. Here are some of my favorite anteater links:

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1. Almost as inspiring as Sul Ross.
2. Peter, my favorite anteater
3. Now this is fantastic editing.
4. Simple, yet intriguing.
5. Such a proud history.
6. A happy Anteater.
7. And finally, my favorite Anteater link of all.

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An excerpt from link #5:

The anteater was chosen in 1965 when students were allowed to submit mascot candidates, which would be voted on in a campus election. An undergraduate named Schuyler Hadley Basset III is credited with choosing the anteater and designing a cartoon representation, having been disappointed with other mascots such as a roadrunner, unicorn, and golden bison.


  1. Kelley said...

    I wish they'd chosen the Unicorns. That way, the following headline could've been written:

    "Longhorns suffer upset of mythical proportions to Unicorns"  

  2. Bum Ellis said...

    What a frustrating series: two starters out due to injury plus tons of errors while having to play the No. 9 team in the nation in a Regional.  

  3. Potentate Wade said...

    Let the excuses begin...  

  4. Kelley said...

    A&M had one of the strongest 2 seeds in the country in their regional, and the big 10 postseason champion.

    A&M also didn't mail it in in the 8th inning of an elimination game.

    Aggie Spring Sports '07 > Longhorn Spring Sports '07  

  5. Whitey said...

    matt, i think you forgot about 12-7. the spring is great but please do not forget the fall and the glorious T+1.  

  6. Potentate Wade said...

    What's that I hear? A sound not heard often...the deafening silence of the humbled t.u. faithful.

    And the Aggies rejoice.  

  7. Bum Ellis said...

    I agree: A&M had a better year in sports, both fall and spring. The only thing I disagree with is Kelley's point that A&M had one of the strongest 2 seeds in its region. La-La was unranked.  


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