I was just killing some time on Facebook today, and I came across this picture of esteemed League Commissioner Potentate Wade. Needless to say, I was surprised to see that our glorious leader appears to actually be a senior in high school. To think, he had us all fooled.


  1. Bum Ellis said...

    Wade looks like he's ready to hit the town--more specifically, like he's about to walk that toy dog down Oak Lawn in Dallas as part of his new favorite hobby: trolling for dudes.  

  2. Kelley said...


    That's only acceptable if you're "slumming it" at a honkey tonk or you're "trolling for dudes".  

  3. Whitey said...

    so THIS is why he asked me to bring vodka, cigarettes and fireworks by his apartment last week?  

  4. Potentate Wade said...

    1. I have repeatedly commented to Allison on that picture, specifically to remove all traces of it.

    2. The hair was not ready to make its debut, especially in that fashion.

    3. Pearl snap shirts frequent my wardrobe, as I have become uber-trendy in my LA ways.

    4. The dog is Allison's. My dog is much more manly. Interestingly, her name happens to be Lady.

    And finally,

    5. I agree with all previous comments. There is no excuse for that picture/my boyish appearance. I just wish I could go ahead and get through puberty.  

  5. Potentate Wade said...

    Jeff, I said to bring vodka and cigarettes so we could MAKE fireworks. Get your story straight.  


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