Please Explain


  1. jeff brinkley said...

    Wow..... You're kidding, right?  

  2. Kelley said...

    Don't get sucked in to the black hole that is Stewart Wade and his skill with the cpu...

    Just look at where the site is being hosted. Unless Yahoo's servers are full and they're now using some space at  

  3. Potentate Wade said...

    No comment.  

  4. the sultan said...

    Just saw this. That's awesome.

    While I was obviously suspicious, I was not as astute as Kelley in noticing the web address. Well done all around.  

  5. Bum Ellis said...

    Sultan, I wish this story was as baseless as you suppose. But, as is most often the case, the simplest explanation here is the right one. Allow me to explain.

    Ever since Wade has come out of the closet (see recent condemnation of the potentate after a compromising photograph was leaked by Mrs. Potentate), he has become increasingly bold in his homosexual Google searches--which have escalated from "Leonardo DiCaprio" (which Potentate told Mrs. Potentate were simply to try to figure out the name of that movie "Leo" was in where he thought his life was a video game) to today's self-explanatory search, "erection." Much to Kelley's dismay, today was the day news of his embarrassing lawsuit reached the mainstream media. Fortunately for Kelley, Wade had found the article so hilarious that he immediately decided to host the page on his own website as well--just in case yahoo pulled the story or changed the link at some point.

    Kelley, however, is a crafty one, and he noticed that this legit story was linked from Wade's website, and he was quick to point out that this suggested that Wade actually made this story up. Of course, Kelley did not deny the news story--he was just hoping that this would all blow over.

    Meanwhile, Wade realized the error of his ways: how could he explain finding this story before anyone else? Surely someone would connect the dots if he provided a link to the original website. Instead of risking this, Wade refused to comment--letting everyone believe what he wanted to believe. Well, Wade, you almost got away with it.  


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