So it was a normal bloody normal day at the office. A meeting here, conference call there, checked my email for the 40th time, when all of a sudden an inter-office email appears like a bullet out of the blue sky. Being the socially conscious group that I know you all are, I'm sure you have heard of the (RED) campaign. It seems that Tribal DDB has won all of their creative work, including joinred.com, which I (you heard me right) will be helping with. So the question you should be asking yourselves is who then will the creative be presented to? Someone said his name, but I'm not sure I remember. Bosco? Brana? Oh that's right, Bono. And I quote straight from U2's horse's mouth:

"So what do you think of Tribal DDB? I like them and am thinking of hiring them…"
Oh he hired them. And me along with 'em. So even though Sterling probably still can't read these blogs yet, as he would be the most jealous of you all, I'm sure you can appreciate the utter awesomeness of the scenario.

I leave on Monday for Dublin where I will meet with or without the entire band and select Irish diplomats. And I promise you this - while we are at the Discotheque, I will find out what lies beneath The Edge's beanie.


UPDATE: I have been informed that I will not be going, nor will I be allowed to speak, consult with, or even mention said rock star's name ever again while in this office. But in a little while I'll try and at least touch someone who talks with him and then take a picture of my hand.

Just as good.


  1. the sultan said...

    Not gonna lie, I had to read this twice to figure out what was going on, what with references to ad campaigns and ad agencies flying around as they were. Now that I know what you're talking about, though, that's really cool.  


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