Seems that Frank Gore broke his hand during a non-contact drill yesterday. My money is on the fact that had something to do with this.

Issue #4: Vote

Issue #4: Cash Money

This has to happen fast, as your draft spot may affect your decision-making abilities for this issue. We had discussed a few different ways to divvy up the winnings, but we need an unbiased vote to make it official. Just as reference, there will be a 6-team playoff and a 6-team consolation bracket playoff. I figure there are 3 ways to go about divvying:

Same as last year.
1st - $360 (60%)
2nd - $180 (30%)
3rd - $60 (10%)

Gives consolation members something to play for.
1st - $360 (60%)
2nd - $180 (30%)
Consolation Winner - $60 (10%)

Gives consolation less and still rewards 3rd - they are both essentially winning their money back.
1st - $348 (58%)
2nd - $156 (26%)
3rd - $48 (8%)
Consolation Winner - $48 (8%)

Post your arguments on the comments section and I will add a 4th or 5th if need be. We'll vote on Sunday and Monday.

2006 League Backlink

Just when I thought all hope was lost to find the full Pounding 06 material, I have stumbled across just that. It has every message board post, including the ones where we talked about this upcoming season. We had forgotten one glorious thing that shall be put into effect immediately - the AP/Coaches Poll. No, nobody knows how it will work, but it will. Work, that is.

Ok, here's the link. Enjoy. Pounding 06 League Office

after a flurry of initial activity, things have certainly slowed down. our leader has retreated to his spider hole in LA and cut off all radio contact. he's been dark for two weeks, working on the master draft plan. can someone verify he is still alive? has al-jezeera received a video from him recently? the troops are getting restless and need wade-induced fantasy football chatter.

Issue #3: Vote

Issue #3: Conferences

With the draft date set (I have yet to hear of anyone who can't do September 2nd), we can now move onto question number three: to divide or not to divide?

We did NOT have conferences last year, so the playoffs consisted of the Top 6 teams in the league. Most other leagues I have seen have 2 conferences, which means for us, the Top 3 in each conference would advance to the playoffs.

So, yes, it would be possible that the #4 seed in the North Division could have a better record than the #1 seed in the South Division, but wouldn't make the playoffs. That most likely wouldn't happen, but chances are good that someone who would have gotten into the post-season under the old system would get left out under a new one.

Also, I believe the scheduling would also be affected - each team would probably play others in their own conference more frequently than those in the other conference. There also would probably be a division record and an overall record just like the NFL has for tiebreak purposes. Not quite sure about all the details on that yet.

Anyways, that's the question. Two 6-team conferences or one big division like last year?

Issue #2: Vote

Issue #2: Rosters

"I'm relieved. That's all I can say. There was no way I was goin to an expansion team. Name one notable star on the Houston Texans in 2002. There just ain't one, and I ain't gonna be that guy this year. I'll leave that to Sterling."

After consulting the poll, LaDanian Tominson has every reason to be "relieved", knowing that he won't find himself in a disaster situation somewhere in Temple, San Francisco, or North Frisco.

"I'd much rather be forced into another group victory bath than have a front office more unorganized than my sense of humor."

Well said LT. Well said.


ISSUE #2: Rosters

What to do about the rosters. Yes, there were a few games last year won by kickers, some won by Jason Taylor alone, and a serious issue with the Bears D/ST. To refresh your memory, here's what we had going on last year:

Starting Lineup (10 total):
1 QB
2 RB
2 WR
1 TE
1 DP
1 D/ST
1 K

6 Open Slots
1 Injured Reserve

I can't get to the discussion we had last year on the boards, but I know there was an idea to throw in one Independent Offensive Player (OP), which can be a QB, RB, WR, TE, or K. Some also wanted to get rid of kickers and DPs. We also have to address the situation we have now with 2 additional teams, which would have (last year) removed 32 more players from waivers.

So do we reduce the total number on each team or keep it the same? On one hand, we don't want to minimize the importance of waivers, but on the other hand, we don't want to have too little to work with each week.

Thus, the vote.

Obviously there could be hundreds of options, but I've narrowed it to 5.

OPTION #1: Keep it the same as last year.

OPTION #2: Keep it the same as last year, but remove one bench spot (to help compensate for the expansion).

OPTION #3: Everything is the same, except we replace the DP with an OP.

OPTION #4: Reduce the starters to 9...
1 QB
2 RB
2 WR
1 TE
1 D/ST
1 OP

OPTION #5: Drastically different...
2 QB
2 RB
2 WR
1 TE
1 D/ST

If anyone has any other options, let it be known. I never added a 2nd TE because there were hardly enough good TEs to go around last year with 10 teams. We'll vote on this on Tuesday.


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