1. Whitey said...

    i am both awed and amazed. not crazy about #8 but that is far overshadowed by the incredible experience of watching that video. fantastic job wades.  

  2. Hildee said...

    freaking amazing...totally wasn't expecting something like that. Brinkley and I were absolutely rolling. Thanks Gil and Stew for putting in the time to be so creative. Really appreciate it.  

  3. the sultan said...

    I would have responded sooner to the blog, but I was talking to Wade as I watched it with Ellis and told him just how awesome I thought it was. I knew what to expect and was still blown away. Well done, Wades (I still can't believe you got Gillean to do all that).  

  4. Strictly Fantasy said...

    Now you will all see how fantasy is played. Ellis good luck with the handicap as I am sure your team should be better than mine. Unfortunately, I can't help you draft this year.

    Thank you Wade's for taking the time.  

  5. Kelley said...

    (hangs head in shame as only i can do)  

  6. John Herrington said...

    I'm speechless. Nevermind the #1 pick in the draft, that video was redonkulous. Gill, you win Pounding '07 Wife of the year award for that performance.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Wades...freakin' sweet! I really can't believe all this, I'm only sorry that I just got around to seeing the lottery video this morning. This league is such an unbelievable keeper!

    Gillean--let me know if things don't work out with Stew  

  8. The Boy Scout said...

    I was sitting here alone in my cold, dark hotel room until my world came alive after watching that wonderful olympic games like video!! (was that a new song Hildenuts put together on his keyboard?)

    I nearly died from extreme laughter and crying, as only a Worth can do. Well done stew and gill, well done! That was freaking amazing and I only wish i could have the creative skill to do that. Underwriting is just as fun though... I promise... cap rates...and stuff...

    On a different note, I have been, what we say in the biz, a cold shell. no finish out, no activity, no nothing. That stops today boys of the pounding 07. This video has only fanned into flame the excitement i already had for this "real fantasy football league" A league where you can actually wager real money, instead of play money like my youth pastor / league commissioner suggested last year. A league where you don't have to pick an ENTRIE DEFENSE, yes 11 defenders. This league is perhaps best summarized by a friend all of us know very well... He would surely say, "This league makes Sinatra look like a hobo." That's right, I feel honored to participate in such a league. From now on, I will find a "work around" for the oppressive invesco network system so I can be an active participant!!

    By the way, what's wrong with the wearing boy scout shorts? They are comfortable, fashionable and will make a great turnicate (2-4 inches above the wound) for when I kill people on the field this year with my FOURTH PICK!  


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