after a flurry of initial activity, things have certainly slowed down. our leader has retreated to his spider hole in LA and cut off all radio contact. he's been dark for two weeks, working on the master draft plan. can someone verify he is still alive? has al-jezeera received a video from him recently? the troops are getting restless and need wade-induced fantasy football chatter.


  1. Potentate Wade said...

    You see? This is the kind of dedication I'm looking for in an expansion teams.

    He's got expectations people. And when things slow down, he's willing to pick up the baton and get things rolling again.

    I do realize that the entire league's satisfaction depends heavily on my participation, but believe you me, I have been participating behind the camera and in the editing room.

    I would also like to say that yes, the rumors are true, I do in fact know the order of the draft. I will not be sharing it with any of you. For less than $100 that is.

    Patience will reward you very soon, as the 2007 Draft Lottery will be unveiled next week. Now, I will continue to have my blinders on as I press on towards the goal.

    So until further amongst yourselves.



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