Issue #4: Cash Money

This has to happen fast, as your draft spot may affect your decision-making abilities for this issue. We had discussed a few different ways to divvy up the winnings, but we need an unbiased vote to make it official. Just as reference, there will be a 6-team playoff and a 6-team consolation bracket playoff. I figure there are 3 ways to go about divvying:

Same as last year.
1st - $360 (60%)
2nd - $180 (30%)
3rd - $60 (10%)

Gives consolation members something to play for.
1st - $360 (60%)
2nd - $180 (30%)
Consolation Winner - $60 (10%)

Gives consolation less and still rewards 3rd - they are both essentially winning their money back.
1st - $348 (58%)
2nd - $156 (26%)
3rd - $48 (8%)
Consolation Winner - $48 (8%)

Post your arguments on the comments section and I will add a 4th or 5th if need be. We'll vote on Sunday and Monday.


  1. Potentate Wade said...

    Personally, I'm all for Option #3. I think the more money you divvy out, the better chance to avoid Fantasy Indifference there is.

    I think whatever we do, we should make the consolation bracket actually mean something. I know one argument against that is the idea that if your season ends when you don't make the playoffs, it makes you try harder during the season. But honestly, everyone in the league tries hard, and causing 6 people to become disinterested at Week 13 just sucks. Besides, it gives guys hope and actually keeps them involved if they are sucking during the season, and would cause them to make some trades toward the end that could shake things up. Don't make me remind you about the Nashvillian Roommate debacle that came out of someone destined for irrelevance in the consolation. Maybe you disagree.

    Fine. Agree to disagree.  

  2. Whitey said...

    i agree. option 3 is actually a really good idea. in fact, i may implement the same plan in my other league since we are constantly battling fantasy indifference. let the peasants who can't get into the playoffs have something to play for.  

  3. Bum Ellis said...

    I'm liking number three as well, but I don't like the idea of the consolation winner getting the same amount as the third place team. I say we reduce the consolation prize to something closer to $30 (maybe 365, 160, 45, and 30). I would think that's still enough motivation for Worth to keep playing after he starts 0-10 before he finally collects a W in his rematch with Rock Fu.  

  4. Hildee said...

    I like what Bum said... because it would make sense that consolation bracket guy shouldn't get as much as 3rd place guy. I'm with Bum's option 3 revision.  

  5. Potentate Wade said...

    The reason I don't like the revision is that you are hoping that $30 is enough to keep 6 people completely interested. I just don't think it's enough to do that.

    That said, I will add it as a 4th option to vote on.  

  6. Whitey said...

    my counterpoint to you stewart would be if $48 motivates someone, $30 will too. they should take their $30 and be happy that they get anything. plus, i think this league should hold itself to a higher standard, one where pride is more motivation than money. i also think if people like sterling (who hasn't even named his team yet) end up quitting on the league at any time, including in the consolation bracket, it should be grounds for automatic dismissal.

    option 4 works for me.  

  7. Anonymous said...

    option 4 for me as well, people will be interested regardless (if last year was any indication)...lets give more to first and less to consolation winner!!!!!!!!!  

  8. Potentate Wade said...

    Consider me convinced. I'm on board with #4.  

  9. the sultan said...

    Agreed. #4 looks good to me.  


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